This is The Girl…

This is the girl… the one you approach with intentions that only cater to your ego. You speak so sweet to her. In all actuality, below her rough exterior she is just as kind as those words. Deep down she knows. Not oblivious to juvenile tactics constructed to satisfy others sexual desires, yet time and time again she goes along to feel loved.

This is the girl… the one you pull along like a children’s toy on a string and she faithfully follows. You suddenly disappear like a ghost in the night. She lies just as you abandoned her.

This is the girl… the one who lives in a mind-set of survival. A victim of circumstance and inconsistent affection. A constant struggle for attention. Her existence can only be maintained by being seen.

This is the girl… the one who only wanted someone charming and genuine. A person to build a meaningful connection. She now hates herself because this isn’t how it was supposed to be. She carves a scarlet alphabet in her flesh and poisons her blood. This is not suffering but survival, relief. This is me.

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